Requirements and Recommendations
- You must have a Java JVM installed and configured properly to use the programs below.
- The JVM must be able to accept command line arguments.
- Good knowledge of using Java programs is helpful.
- Linux users can download Blackdown's JVM at http://www.blackdown.org
- You will need to put the location of your java???/bin directory in your PATH
Let me know if these programs help you in anyway, or if you have any questions.dave@rancidmeat.com
SpriteView - spriteview1.0.tar (~40k)
Uploaded: 12/14/1999. This file contains the spriteview demo program with source code. Just remember that this was development grade code. So, don't expect
too much from it. Just downloaded it and unzip with Winzip on Windows systems or use 'tar -vxf spriteview1.0.tar' on Unix systems. It creates a
spriteview1.0 directory(folder) wherever you unzip/untar it.
- Win95+ with IE 4.0+ and Microsoft's Virtual Machine installed.
jview spriteview [Server/Client] [IP addr] [Port]
Server: jview spriteview Server 7000
Client: jview spriteview Client 7000
- Linux with Blackdown's JVM or Win95+ with SUN's JVM
java spriteview [Server/Client] [IP addr] [Port]
Server: java spriteview Server 7000
Client: java spriteview Client 7000
ColorTest - colortest1.0.tar (~105k)
Uploaded: 12/14/1999. This file contains the colortest BMP paint program with source code. Just remember that this was development grade code. So, don't expect
too much from it. Just downloaded it and unzip with Winzip on Windows systems or use 'tar -vxf colortest1.0.tar' on Unix systems. It creates a
colortest1.0 directory(folder) wherever you unzip/untar it.
- Win95+ with IE 4.0+ and Microsoft's Virtual Machine installed.
jview colortest
- Linux with Blackdown's JVM or Win95+ with SUN's JVM
java colortest
Recent Development Progress |
Last Updated 3/11/2000 at 12:43:58 EST - 5:00 GMT
- Create Entity System.
- Create Event System.
- Create Object System.
Recent things:
- Created fast update cgi
- Switched back to using JDK1.1.7_v3 for linux.
| |
Files |
spriteview1.0.tar (~40k)
colortest1.0.tar (~105k)
| |